BHF Newsroom

Weekly COVID-19 updates from Kamuli District with Dr Fred Dr Duku

July 19, 2021 | By

Since September 2020 Kamuli district has accumulated a total of 607 COVID-19 positive cases out of which 468 (77.1%) have been detected in the last 2 and a half months).

Out of 127 tests done at Kamuli General hospital, Namwendwa HCIV, Nankandulo HCIV, Kamuli Mission hospital and Kagumba HCIII between 15th and 18th July 2021, only 20 positive cases were detected (an positivity rate of 15.7% up from 7.1%). Even the positivity rate for Namwendwa sub county increased from 10.7% to 15.7% while the positivity rate for Kagumba HCIII tests is worrying at 55% in the last 4 days with most cases coming from neighboring Namasagali sub county.

A total of 3 deaths were recorded (none in the community) in the last 4 days bringing the total number of deaths to 57 deaths in 25 days (22 in the community).

Currently the admission rate has dropped and total admitted in severe state are 4 (3 relatively stable).

We have registered 421 recoveries (could be more if retesting is intensified)

A total of 16 patients have been discharged from the admission ward at Kamuli General hospital ( 9 with negative RDT results).

 Bad news

1.We have a low turn up for retesting affecting our reporting for recoveries attained.

2. We still notice congestion at funerals which may lead to another upsurge of community transmission that may undermine our hard earned success.

 Good news

1. Community deaths have reduced.

2. Our positivity rate and infection transmission rates have relatively dropped.

3. Most of our admitted patients are getting relatively stable and less oxygen dependent.

4. We received an oxygen cylinder from Mr. Bigirwa Moses to support the treatment unit.


*Dr Duku is the Kamuli District Health Officer.