BHF Newsroom

Kamuli purchases modern ultrasound scan machine

July 19, 2021 | By

The district has secured a state of the art modern color Ultrasound scan machine that also does Doppler scans (for clots in blood vessels) and echo cardiography (to check the heart internal structure/functionality).

According to the District Health Officer Dr Fred Duku, the machine was procured by Kamuli Hospital through funds from Results based funding (RBF).

“Thanks to Dr Atuma Zaidi and hospital team for working hard to get these funds aimed at improving quality of service,” said Dr Duku in a brief statement.

In 2019, Uganda’s Ministry of Health under the Uganda Reproductive Maternal and Child Health Services Improvement Project (URMCHIP) signed Result Based Financing (RBF) grant agreements with 51 districts under Ministry of Local Government aimed to improve Reproductive, Maternal and Child health.

Under the RBF arrangement the Ministry of Health with support from the District Health Teams varies and pays performance incentives for the quantity and quality of outputs. The output areas include Antenatal Care, immunization services, safe deliveries, family planning, post-natal care, outpatient attendance and referrals.

Dr Duku further disclosed that the District Health Office will equally in a few weeks procure a multipurpose X- ray machine for Kamuli General hospital to enable it have a fully functional radiology unit by the end of 1st Quarter Financial year 2021/2022.

“We look forward to developing mutual, functional and developmental partnerships to improve quality and quantity of health services,” added.